LWGA Awards Information
Hole-in-One on Landings Courses Only
LWGA members are eligible for one hole in one award each year. In order to be eligible for the LWGA “Hole-in-One” gift certificate, you must:
- Complete 18 holes of play in at least a twosome from any of the club sanctioned tees on any day.
- Notify the Pro Shop at the completion of the round.
- Complete the Hole in One Notification form on LWGA.net.
Break Pins on Landings Courses Only
- A Member’s first score below 80, 90, or 100 from the Skidaway, Island, Course Named, or any Combo tees, or a Par or better score should be reported to the Tournament Chair. This can be done online by clicking here or completing the Break Pin Award form under Forms/Score Breaking Notification on LWGA.net
- Recognition will be made at the next General Meeting/Luncheon.
- Player must “hole out” every putt to qualify.
Points for Weekly Play
- Points earned are credited monthly.
- A Payout Schedule is posted on LWGA.net.