Frequently Asked Questions

General Questions

Why do I go to for some information and the Landings Club for LWGA Events? is a repository for all membership information and procedures relating to the LWGA itself.

The Landings Club manages Golf Genius, a golf tournament management system that is used for the entire Club.

Since the LWGA is part of the Club, they manage our tournaments. In addition to Club Events, L9 Events etc., you will see LWGA Events.

In order to access LWGA Events, one must be a Club member and logged in to the Landings Club website.

What can I do if the system does not recognize my Club #?

Be sure you are using the correct format for your Club #.  When accessing the Club website, the format should be your Club # followed by -002 (i.e. 21999-002). If you are the primary account holder the extension is -001.

How do I sign up for a LWGA social event or luncheon that is following Tuesday play?

  • LWGA members do not need to play golf to attend a social event or luncheon.
  • If you sign up for golf, it is not assumed you are signed up for a social/luncheon.
  • You must indicate you wish to attend either via the LWGA Event registration form of via the designated social/luncheon signup form on

How do I access the online Membership Roster?

  • From, navigate to  Membership/Membership Roster.
  • A screen will come up asking for the password.  Enter the password.
  • The entire Membership Roster will be displayed. Use the Search box.

How can I see who our most recent members are?

How do I get the password for the Membership Roster?

  • From access the Get Help form.
  • Complete the short form with your request.
  • If your email address is on file with the LWGA, we’ll be able to verify who you are and will email the password to you. You may also be able to get it from another LWGA member, or a Board member.

Where can I find more information on LWGA Policies & Procedures?

  • From navigate to Resources/LWGA Gen’l Policy

What is a Break-Pin?

  • When one gets a first breaking score below 100, 90, or 80, they are awarded a Break-Pin.

How do I record a Breaking Score?

  • To record a breaking score, go to Forms and complete the Score Breaking Notification form.

How do I apply for a Hole-in-One?

  • To receive a Hole-in-One Award one must complete 18 holes of play in at least a twosome from any of the Landings Club sanctioned tees on any day.
  • LWGA members are eligible for only one hole in one award each year.
  • To receive your award, you must notify the Pro Shop at the completion of your round.

What is an Emeritus Member?

Emeritus Members

  • The Emeritus Membership is available to women who have been members of LWGA for a minimum of 10 years and whose Club membership level has changed. A Landings Club membership must be maintained that includes clubhouse privileges.

Tournament Related

How do I get to LWGA Events?

You may access the LWGA Events page via the Quick Links  or via the Landings Club App.

How do I Register for LWGA Tuesday Play?

  • To register for Tuesday Play, go to LWGA Events.
  • Click “Register Now

How can I resolve Event Registration issues?

Be sure you are using the correct format for your Club #.  Your Club # must be followed by -002 (i.e. 21999-002) or -001 if you are the primary Club member.

For more information: Steps for Resolving Event Registration Issues

How do I Edit my LWGA Event Registration?

  • Go to LWGA Events
  • Navigate to the Event you wish to cancel
  • Select Edit Registration
  • Select Cancel
  • Select Save

When can I cancel if I am already registered for Tuesday Play?

  • If you need to cancel before Thursday at noon, you can do so by EDITING your registration on LWGA Events.
  • If you need to cancel after Thursday at noon, Complete the LWGA Playdate Cancellation Request form on

How do I get on the WAIT LIST for a playday?

  • Complete the Wait List Request form on before 5PM on the Sunday before the LWGA Event.

What is the GGID?

On the Tee sheet for an event can be found the Golf Genius ID (GGID). It is the ID for a particular event.  It is not a personal ID and will change from event to event.

How do I know if I am the Team Captain?

Once the weekly tee sheet is published, a start time report will be sent to you by the Chelsea Tee time system.  The team captain for each week is as follows:

  • If it is the 1st week of the month = #1 on the team list is captain.
  • If it is the 2nd week of the month= #2 on the team list is captain.
  • If it is the 3rd week in of the month= # 3 on the team list is captain.
  • If it is the 4th week of the month = # 4 on the team is list is captain.
  • If it is the 5th week or there are less than 4 team members = #1 on the team list is captain.
    (Captains are responsible for verifying attendance, arranging carts and confirming course and time of play for their group).

How do I find the Pairings & Results/Winners for an LWGA Event?

  • Go to LWGA Events
    • To see your tee time, click on “Tee Sheet”
    • To see results, click on “Results”

What are Points Report and how do I view them.

  • Your winnings from weekly tournaments are ‘Points’ for Pro Shop credit.
  • 1 point is equal to $1 in Pro Shop Credit.
  • Your points are posted  monthly to your Landings Club Credit Book .
  • To view your ‘Points’: Go to Quick Links on, click on Points

How do I know what the current payouts are?

How do we keep Score on Tuesday?

  • Download the Golf Genius App on your phone
  • Enter the GGID (Golf Genius ID) code on the scorecard and click “sign in”
  • Enter scores for that hole and BE SURE TO CLICK “SAVE SCORES” after each hole.
  • Ignore the option to sign in using email and password.

What are the Island Tees?

These new tee markers (not newly built tee pads) are an option between the Skidaway and Course Names tees. The yardage is approximately 4650 yards and they will be officially rated by our GSGA team. They currently exist on the Palmetto & Terrapin Point courses.

Do I have to use the Island Tees?

All players will continue to play the tees where they feel most comfortable. No one will be forced to play shorter distances.

What is Net Double Bogey?

Net Double Bogey = Par+2+Handicap strokes on a given hole.

What is GHIN?

The Golf Handicap Information Network (GHIN) is a service provided by the United States Golf Association (USGA) to manage golf handicaps. This is the system where you post your scores and determine your playing handicaps. Golf Genius is directly interfaced to GHIN.

Guide to Using the GHIN App


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