Table of Contents
LWGA General Policy & Procedure
as of July 2023
Any individual who withdraws from play is not eligible to win. An existing blind whose handicap most closely matches that of the departing player, regardless of flight, will be assigned to the team for the holes not played by the original player. The remaining team members, as well as the blind member are eligible to win. A blind will be paid at the highest rate but only once.
Budget Policy
LWGA made a decision in 2012 to retain an $8,000 annual reserve to cover our first quarter expenses since our membership fees are not collected and given to us by the Landings Club until March. We also placed $2,000 in cash reserves to cover website outsourcing, if ever needed.
Cancellation Policy & Notice of Tuesday Playday
Cancellation of an LWGA playdate will be issued via an e-blast from to all members and the Pro Shop staff. In most cases the decision is made by 7:00 AM on the day of play. The policy is : if 25 % of the field cancels-change the game to individual Progs; if 50% of the field cancels due to weather, the game is canceled.
Cancellation by Member for Registered Play
- Starting in January 2021. Until noon on the Thursday before play, edit your registration on Golf Genius
- After pairings are posted, before playdate, or on the morning of play, you may cancel via the Cancel Published Playdate Quick Links menu on the Please also notify your team captain.
- If play is canceled, notice will be given via an e-blast from Notice will also be posted on the rain line at 598-3450.
Code of Conduct
In supporting our LWGA mission statement, each member is expected to conduct herself in a manner that fosters good sportsmanship, good fellowship, and respect for individual dignity. Inappropriate conduct should be brought to the attention any member of the Executive Committee which may take disciplinary action.
Emeritus Membership
- The Emeritus Membership is available to women who have been members of LWGA for a minimum of 10 years and whose Club membership level has changed.
- A Landings Club membership must be maintained that includes clubhouse privileges.
- Emeritus members may attend the general luncheons and meetings each year and will be responsible for any charges associated with those events.
- In addition, an Emeritus member may play as the guest of an active member one Tuesday a year, excluding major LWGA tournaments.
Member Meeting & Luncheon
Signing up for a General Meeting/Luncheon no longer automatically includes the luncheon. A luncheon signup form is posted on Cancellations for the luncheon must be received by the preceding Friday, 4 PM, in order not to be billed.
Golf Genius
LWGA will use Golf Genius for scoring on Tuesday play days and all tournaments. All LWGA members are encouraged to become familiar with the app. The Golf Genius Chair will train pairings volunteers to use Golf Genius to manage cancellations, waitlisted players, blinds and tee box selections prior to Tuesday play.
The scoring volunteers will review the leaderboard for any last-minute cancellations and assign post-round blinds as needed. Once scores are finalized, the leaderboard report will be available under LWGA Events.
Guest Policy
LWGA Members may bring a visiting friend or family member as a guest on usual LWGA Tuesday playdates only. Accommodations will also be made for visiting prospective members on the Discovery package or as a guest of a current member. Any such guest must have a USGA handicap of 32.9 or less. Arrangements must be made with the TLC Tournament coordinator. The greens fee will be paid for by the guest or member. The guest’s score will not count in the game, a blind will be assigned.
Job Descriptions
Job descriptions were updated and standardized. Each Board member will be asked to carefully review the description for their position near the end of the year. Any suggested changes will be reviewed by the incoming President and Vice President for inclusion in the official document.
Job Descriptions are maintained in a Job Description Document which is separate from the By-laws.
Maximum Number of Players on a ‘One Course’ Play Day
There will be a maximum of 104 players on a day when one course is open for LWGA. Members may add their name to the waitlist from the Quick Links menu on
Annual Membership Dues
Annual dues are $50 which includes $5 for the Hole-In-One fee. Dues are billed to your account in December, payable by January 25th and must be current to be eligible to play. Members joining after June 30th will pay $30, which includes $5 for the Hole-In-One fee.
Membership resignation must be received, in writing, by the current Membership Chair, prior to January 25th to receive a refund.
Membership Dues for late join
When/if a Landings Club member wishes to join/play with the LWGA in December, she may choose to either pay half year dues (July 1-December 31) and be eligible for winning points/hole in one payment or waive the half year dues fee and forfeit eligibility for winning points/hole in one payment.
Dues for the subsequent year (January 1-December 31) would be billed by The Club according to the normal cycle.
Most Improved Golfer Award
- Based on percentage change in index from January 1st to November 15th (USGA formula).
- Must compete and post 12 times in Tuesday LWGA events
Pace of Play
Reasonable Pace of Play is critical to the enjoyment of golf and the well-being of the game overall.
In conjunction with the recent Golf Committee Announcement on Pace of Play (6/29/23), the Board of Directors of the LWGA has adopted the following policy:
- The actual time in which you should have completed a hole (regardless of starting time or the hole you started on) is on the bottom of every score card. The purpose of this is to provide a measurable guidance to all players.
- Pace of Play will be monitored by our Landings Club professional staff.
- Staff are authorized to request that groups who have fallen one full hole behind due to
slow play to pick up and skip the next hole. The score you should record should be one that allows no points (positive or negative) for the hole. This is typically NET par. If there are questions, put an “X” and it will be adjusted by the scorer.
Foursomes that have fallen behind are encouraged to agree among themselves and take this action before being requested to skip a hole by the staff.
Requests by Club Staff are not to be ignored. Proper golf courtesy and decorum are expected to be maintained. Club staff will be provided a copy of the policy.
Questions on the policy should be addressed to LWGA Officers, not club staff doing their job.
Please understand that the purpose of this policy is not to be punitive. It is to maintain an enjoyable game, ensure that all players are able to partake in the food and beverage after our matches in a timely manner and strike the balance between competitive and friendly golf that is the hallmark of the LWGA.
USGA rules that apply in these circumstances:
- In games where scores should be posted, including match play singles and 4-ball, players shall record a net par for holes not played. (i.e. If you are allowed 1 stroke on a par 4, you would post a 5. If you are allowed 2 strokes on a par 4, you would post a 6)
- Players are not required to putt out to record a score. If Players are out of a hole – Players should pick-up – and record a most likely score. A most likely score may be a max score. If on the green, allow 1 putt within 5 feet of the hole or 2 putts outside of five feet. Approximations with the intent of recording a most likely score are acceptable.
- Once a match is over in Match Play, Players should return to the clubhouse (not play out the remaining holes) and record net pars for holes not played.
- The Maximum allowable time to look for a lost ball is 3 minutes, starting when you arrive at the general location of the lost ball.
- Assistance is available after every round to determine the score to record if there are any questions.
A note about ready golf: Ready golf is the guiding policy of LWGA. Ready Golf means every player is ready to hit when it’s their turn or they can safely play their next shot – whichever comes first.
Pairings-Assigning Members from the Wait List
When players are assigned from the wait list, the pairings’ volunteers will attempt to place players within 3 strokes of the player being replaced. After this step, they may place wait listed members anywhere there is an opening, as close to their index as possible. A phone call should be made to the wait-listed member to see if they are amenable to playing in a different flight. The ultimate goal will be to place as many players from the wait list as possible, regardless of index.
Play Date Analysis
The Statistics Chair is responsible for capturing play day data. to determine member participation, tournament flight participation, the percentage of inactive members, and handicap categories.
Playday Payout
Payouts are determined during the budgeting process. The Payout schedule can be adjusted during the year in the event the number of original play day changes. Current Playday payout information is posted on under Golf/Reports/Current Payout Schedule
Playday Payout for # of teams in a flight.
Please refer to the current Payout Schedule. It can be found under Resources/Payout Schedule.
Privacy Policy
View our privacy policy here.
Prizes, Awards & Recognitions
Hole-in-One on Landings Courses Only
As of 4/28/2021, the LWGA will provide a $100 gift card for a Hole in One by an LWGA member. Members are entitled to only one Hole in One award each year. This policy is reviewed each fall and may be adjusted as necessary. Eligibility for the LWGA “Hole-in-One” gift requires:
- Complete 18 holes of play in at least a twosome from any of the club sanctioned tees on any day.
- Notify the Pro Shop at the completion of the round.
- Submission of the Hole in One Notification form on
Break Pins on Landings Courses Only
- A Member’s first score below 80, 90, or 100 from the Skidaway, Island, Course Named, or any Combo tees, or a Par or better score may be reported to the Tournament Chair or on via the Score Breaking Notification form.
- Recognition will be made at the next General Meeting/Luncheon.
- Player must “hole out” every putt to qualify.
Points for Weekly Play
- Points earned are credited monthly. A Payout Schedule is posted on
- Team play generally pays based upon the number of teams in a flight.
Most Improved Golfer
- Based on percentage change in index from January 1st to November 15th (USGA formula).
- Must compete and post 12 times in Tuesday LWGA events.
When publicizing information in the TWATL, our Publicity Chair should not disclose personal contact information (email address & phone number) without express permission of that individual.
Rules for Tuesday Play
- USGA and local rules govern all play.
- Scores that count must be holed out.
- Each team will keep score on Golf Genius. Golf Genius has been programmed to break all ties per USGA Rules.
- Rules and questions that arise during play should be resolved by the Golf Professional Staff PRIOR to submitting of scorecards.
- LWGA players may play from the Course, Island/Shorts or Skidaway tees if offered.
- In the event that inclement weather results in the cancellation of 25% or more of the posted field, the game of the day will default to individual PROGS. If 50% of the field cancels, then Tuesday play is canceled. However, members may still play golf if the course remains open.
- Withdrawing from Play: Any individual who withdraws from play is not eligible to win. The remaining team members are eligible to win. The score of the player leaving can count for the holes she played. The scorecard should show a line through the un-played holes. The remaining players will receive a blind, of similar handicap, to complete the un-played holes. If the team wins, only the original team members who finish the 18 holes will be awarded points.
- Missed Tee Time: In the event a player is unable to start on time, they may, with permission of the Tournament Chair, play the remaining holes but her score will not count for her team. A blind will be assigned for the 18 holes.
The team should have one player keeping score via the Golf Genius app and one player keeping a paper scorecard. At the end of the round, the Golf Genius entries and the paper scorecard should match.
Score Posting
Beginning in January 2021, Golf Genius will automatically post all scores from Tuesday play to GHIN. If for some reason, Golf Genius can’t post the score, players will be notified and must post their score by 4pm Thursday following play to be eligible for points.
Tee Selection & Tournament Play
- LWGA’s Special Tournaments include Member – Member, Together for a Cure, Red, White & Blue and the Bouchillion.
- When choosing a tee option for Special Tournaments, the member must have posted at least 60% of scores from the selected tees.
- Members may not move up to a shorter tee
Tees – LWGA Appropriate Tees
The plays from which we play are Course Named, Island/Shorts, Skidaway.
Tournament Documents
Three years of past tournament information on a thumb drive which can be passed to the new tournament chairs each year.
Walking Policy
Walkers are welcome to play on any Tuesday playday.
Website and Tournament Publicity
- “Ads for all LWGA Tournaments will be posted under LWGA EVENTS and may also be posted on our official website, In addition, the following may also be included on Women’s Club-sponsored Tournaments, such as, The Ladies’ Senior Club Championship, the Ladies’ Club Championship, and the Moon River Classic. Any non-LWGA tournaments advertised must have an LWGA contact person.