Forms Get Help Please indicate the area we can help you with:* Cancelling a Playdate Difficulty registering for an event My Club # is not accepted Event (tournament) description inquiry Golf Genius Scoring instructions Golf Genius help Procedure inquiry Getting on the Wait List Together for a Cure (TFAC) Other ** If you are attempting to cancel a Playdate after Thursday at noon please click here.***To get on to the Wait List, click here.** Tip: If you are having difficulty registering or your Club # is not accepted, be sure you are using the correct format for your Club #. Your Club # must be followed by -002 (i.e. 21999-002) or -001 if you are the primary Club member. It is advised that you log into the Club website prior to accessing Golf Genius.Using Golf Genius during Tuesday play: NOTE: these instructions assume that you have already downloaded the Golf Genius App on your smartphone. Find the GGID on your scorecard or on the starter’s report: On your smartphone, open the Golf Genius App. Select the option to SIGN IN USING GGID. Enter the GGID and click “SIGN IN”. Select your name. Record the scores for each hole and click SAVE. When your round is over, select Tee Sheets from the menu in the upper left. Compare the scores in Golf Genius to the scores on the paper scorecard. When everything is checked, you are finished the process. If you wish to see the real-time leaderboard, select Leaderboard from the menu in the upper left. Keep in mind, ties will not be broken until the scoring is completed (two or three hours after completion of play). Name* First Last Email* Please provide any pertinent details.CAPTCHAIn order to verify that you are a human being, you must check the 'I am not a robot' box below. Please follow any instuctions that follow. Without this verification, your request will not go through.EmailThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.